End Suffering - No More 'no knows"
Make This Your Year of No "No know"
Aren't you sick and tired of the suffering? Your own, that of others, global human suffering! Pain comes with having a body, but suffering - that long-term stuck-in-misery mental/ emotional torture we endure out of habit - is optional. Enough is enough!Let's raise our standard of happiness, quit tolerating our patterns of self-created and avoidable drama! There is a way through every block, right? So why do we live in stress, create and then tolerate troubles, and continue our patterns and pain-sustaining habits?Buddha said suffering is caused by ignorance. What I've seen is that we stay stuck due to 3 forms of not knowing. You either:● don't know that you're suffering. (you just get used to it)● don't know it can be better. (lack of good models, settling for as it is)● don't know how to break through. (lack of guidance, quit trying)The wise ones have always said that our answers are within us; that we do know! Yogi Bhajan challenged us to eliminate our use of the phrase, "I don't know," altogether because it's just not true and is an excuse to quit penetrating the issue. As an exercise, simply try saying something that is more true and accurate than "I don't know".Senses of the Soul offers powerful access to our vast inner-knowing by the use of difficult feelings to KNOW the real source of our problems and solutions to our suffering. The evidence that I've seen for this, the results of thousands of people using SOS techniques, gives me huge hope for what is incorrectly called the human condition.But now that I see how simple it is to diminish troubles and increase joy, I feel greater sadness for the pain I see people living in. I'm fired up, impatient and eager to raise expectations and standards for our quality of life. My contribution to this is to teach Senses of the Soul and the tools of Kundalini Yoga that facilitate access to the strength and clarity needed to consciously confront challenges.Do you know the simple principles of Senses of the Soul? Do you use them?Here are 3 keys:1. "Bad" emotions are good things, friends, allies.2. Their Pain leads to Peace when used skillfully.3. The SOS Method is:a. get as clear and strong as possible. (This is where yoga helps)b. listen to emotions by feeling them, consciously. (Neutral mindfulness is essential)c. control by allowing emotions to tell you what you need. (Inner honesty, conscious soul-searching)Don't let emotions cause you problems. Their pain is not the problem. Your problems are not even your problem! It's your poor response, or lack of response to them that causes suffering. Using feelings as guides to handle life's challenges is simple and natural. It just takes some re-training of bad habits. When used as intended it's like this...Just imagine that whenever you feel bad, less than happy:
you always know it (you don't just live with it), and know exactly what you are feeling.
you clearly know why you're feeling bad.
you easily see what you need in order to feel better again.
you do that, and return quickly to feeling safe, happy, and loved.
No more NOT KNOWING how to use emotions. The information is here. Let these discoveries sink in and change your paradigm of feelings. Don't believe it; prove it! Learn and practice. Next we'll look at "Knowing but not doing"; when we don't use what we know, to grow. Let me hear more from you about this. What do you need to end your suffering in 2015?
Feel Better!
- GuruMeher