Treat Your emotions as Problem-solvers
Anxiety and depression are spreading like the virus. Are they a problem for you? Or are you more often haunted by anger and sadness? People tell me they wish they could never feel bad. That's impossible. Here's a better goal.
Don't view difficult emotions as a problem to be solved, and definitely not as a weakness or fault. Emotions are always there to let you know how things are going for you. "Bad" feelings are indications of something in your life that is not working for you. They are there to help you SOLVE the underlying problem.
Ignoring and suppressing those emotions avoids the actual issue so they persist as long as you need their help. Worse, they usually intensify, demanding your attention, or may decay into depression (their brilliant "plan B").
Emotions remain our least understood and most poorly used personal faculty. It may surprise you to discover that emotions are actually an indispensable key to resolving human suffering. Your personal pain actually contains the remedy to your suffering.
It’s time for humanity to learn how to use these “problematic” emotions as they were intended—as solutions to pain and as guides to peace. How to do that is as natural as feelings themselves.
Stop, pay attention, feel them! But first, preparation is needed to handle their power, to remain clear-headed enough to learn from them what you need to feel better. And for that,
I have found nothing's better than mindfulness, meaning any technique that helps you to be calm, clear, as the observer of your feelings rather than the re-actor to them. And for THAT, I find breathwork the most effective. Learn this and more through my book, Senses of the Soul. I lead a small group of people through the book in my annual course. See more information below.
Here's what I would recommend when you experience difficult emotions ("bad" feelings):
> Breathwork >
> Allowing and Observing Feelings >
> Internal Inquiry (A conversation with your emotion) >
> Acting upon the information gathered >
> Relief! of both the symptom-feelings AND their cause.
It really works, folks. Takes practice. So much more good stuff to learn, skills to gain. I’ll be sharing tools and practices to help you do that during my upcoming annual course, Emotional Liberation - Senses of the Soul.