Healthy Holiday Emotions - A Better Goal than Happy Holidays
Holiday Emotions? Go for Healthier Over Happier Feelings…
Nothing can spoil this beautiful time of year more than having expectations of how you SHOULD feel and not feeling that way. Winter holidays come by the calendar, but emotions arise to help guide you through what's really going on. You might want to have "happy holidays,” but a better goal that we all can achieve is to have emotionally healthy holidays. My gift to you is this short talk and experiential practice that I hope will help bring a bit of peace and rest. Please give yourself this 15 minutes to relax.
While there are many issues that can disturb your peace with all that Winter, Holidays, and a New Year bring, I bring to your attention the natural need for some quiet "hibernation," without which we can become grouchy bears. On that theme, let me suggest some winter reading in support. The titles alone invite you into some new thinking about how you spend your time and energy.
Check out:
Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey
Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May
Blessings, GuruMeher